Candidate Statement for District 1 Director

My candidate statement will also be published within
Chemical & Engineering News

It is an honor to be a candidate for District 1 Director. I am a relentless advocate for chemists and the chemical profession, so with your support I look forward to continue building a Society that is a home and resource for all chemists.

Our Society has changed as the landscape of chemistry has undergone a transformation in how chemists define themselves, determine what they are capable of, and make decisions that impact the world. Chemists are everywhere, and it is my mission to recognize their achievements, support them to reach their goals, and advocate for equitable representation across all aspects of society. Antiquated methods of segmenting chemists into easy-to-measure groups have hindered our ability to support and communicate with them. We need to rethink how we are measuring impact and the way we are engaging chemists so that they once again understand that the ACS is their home as the world’s leading scientific and professional society. This is a cause I have continued to work towards and am committed to champion if elected to the ACS Board of Directors.

As an active volunteer leader, I have worked across the Society to create spaces to support chemists where they are in their lives today while enabling their future ambitions and dreams. As a Chair of the ACS Division of Business Development & Management, I championed awards to celebrate the achievements of chemists who have taken their careers beyond the bench into the business of chemistry and established programs to support students from underrepresented communities that wish to pursue similar paths. As Councilor for the ACS Division of Professional Relations, I have created programs that have brought together industrial companies from all sectors to showcase burgeoning talent and help students from underrepresented communities understand how the industry is building a more diverse and inclusive pipeline of chemical scientists. As Chair of the Central Massachusetts Local Section, I have worked with local volunteers to create student travel awards and partnered with neighboring Local Sections as a Co-Chair of the 2023 Northeastern Regional Meeting to create a forum where chemists from around the region could disseminate their scientific discoveries and celebrate the connections between us.

The ACS has an opportunity to strengthen its position as the world’s leading scientific society by helping chemists understand that membership and engagement are the differentiators needed to change the world for the better. The best part is that there is a solid foundation of successful programs that can be further resourced, improved, and coordinated to better serve and grow our membership and volunteer community. As a member of the ACS Committee on Professional Training, I was proud of the work that we did to develop and maintain the standards for undergraduate chemistry education and its impact on the careers and lives of students, like me, who receive an ACS Approved degree. In a similar way, as a student of the ACS Leadership Development System, I have used my volunteer leadership training countless times as my career has moved outside of the laboratory to where I now lead global business development programs for one of the world’s leading chemical companies. Because it gave so much to me, I became more involved as an ACS LDS Facilitator. I have continued to work with numerous volunteers and staff to develop additional courses and improve existing offerings to help others expand their professional capabilities and change the world around them.

My journey started with membership, but it wasn’t until I was an engaged volunteer leader that I truly was able to grow and make the impact I wanted as a professional. ACS programs, products, and services are a connected foundation on which we can further build up a Society where all chemists feel valued, respected, and included. This is what I am passionate about and why I am excited to share my energy towards this vision for the future as a member of the ACS Board of Directors. I look forward to hearing from you and welcome your comments, questions, and dialogue. Thank you for your support.